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1. Intellectual Output 1 (O1) – Guidelines for the creation of inclusive theater paths addressed to youths with disabilities.

Planning and writing of European guidelines that include the methodology to be used for starting the inclusive theater paths (IO2, IO3, IO4).

The guidelines will define: the structure of the path, the targets, the organization, the theatre methodologies, the necessary scene apply, the addressees, the length, the initial selection process, the optimal setting, eventual support instruments, necessary professionalism and expected results.

Guidelines will be published in opensource inside the Project dedicated website and diffused between partner’s stakeholder, to give the possibility to enter and consult the website and also to other organizations such as universities, theater companies, foundations that work on these themes.

The transnational training and the guidelines will establish the basis to organize the leading paths of the inclusive theater that will be applied in Italy, Turkey, and Spain. The paths will be tested on groups of youths identified in the three countries and validated at the end by IO6.

Leader Organisation: Spazio Reale Formazione

Period: February – March 2021


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2. Intellectual Output 2 (O2) –Inclusive theater paths in Italy through the physical comedy methods and the visual theater addressed to youths with disabilities. 

Based on of the guidelines (IO1), we plan to realize to inclusive theater courses through the physical comedy methodologies and the visual theater addressed to 24 youths with intellective disabilities that attend the 1° grade secondary schools. The schools are willing to collaborate with partners for the selection of the persons concerned.

The youths will initially be divided in 4 groups of 6. The activities will occur once a week for each group and for one hour and a half in the afternoon.

Leader Organization: Soccorso Clown

Period: April 2021 – July 2022


3. Intellectual Output 3 (O3) –Inclusive Theater Paths in Turkey for youths with disabilities: “storytelling, tell your story”.

The methodologies proposed will be based on storytelling: write and perform own story. As is known, storytelling is one of the ancient therapeutical methods: just think at the Prince Shas Sehriyar of One thousand and one night.

The Turkey courses indicate the story-tale as inclusive theater method intended to 10 youths with intellectual disabilities, between 12 and 24

In the storytelling tradition, the alacrity, and the fluidity of the rhythm are extremely important. The course considers teaching students to tell a story with a rhythm and a precise sound, overcoming the memorization and communication difficulties.

In this process, the effect of the inclusive path on factors like social, communicative, oral skills, and self-confidence will be measured through interviews with the participants, group discussions, conversations with families at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the path.

Leader Organisation: Usak University

Period: April 2021 – July 2022


4. Intellectual Output 4 (O4) –Inclusive theater paths in Spain through the methodologies of theater- dance and singing.

Theater -dance and singing conduct a determinate role for people that demonstrate a difference on an intellective and sensorial level.

Through theatre-dance and singing we project our internal world and explore the physical and the social world that surround us, with no fear, and free from the judgment that the “not-disabled” world dictates every day.

The activity will be opened to 16 youths. The frequency will be weekly, and the length lessons will be of two hours long. The companion of the disabled youths will be invited to participate in the activity or to respect the rules of lessons’ management. There will be applied adjustment strategies and pedagogy accessibility (speech, contents, materials use, objects dimensions, spaces definition, ecc.), just as of the spaces (architectural accessibility of the activity space, use of protective materials to protect corners and fragile materials, extensions, or ropes to facilitate the grasp of the objects, ecc.).

Leader Organisation: Residui Teatro

Period: April 2021 – July 2022


5. Intellectual Output 5 (O5) –Theater company ACT-ABLE

The theater company ACT-ABLE is the result of the inclusive theater path developed in Italy by Soccorso Clown with the support of Fondazione Spazio Reale and of Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo.

The company will represent a mixed theater company, created by 24 participant -actors and actors that have the role of teachers-educators during the course.

The activity is considered as a professional moment, in which the results of a process of a specialization and of personal growth is returned and given to parents, friends and spectators.

Its’ first exit will consist in the final exhibition in a big theater in front of a public mostly unknown. This company will also do a real tournée in spaces and theaters affiliated to Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo.

Leader Organisation: Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo

Period: June – September 2022


6. Intellectual Output 6 (O6) – “ACT-ABLE Method”: good practice of inclusive theater methodologies.

The inclusive courses done in the three partner countries (Italy, Turkey and Spain) will be constantly monitored and valued. At the end of the course, the partners will summarize in a report the methodologies used and will verify together the “ACT-ABLE Method”.

The starting point for the elaboration of the document will be the result of the inclusive theater course (IO2, IO3, IO4).

The document will be a sort of “vademecum” destined to the sectors’ professional and will be published in an open-source modality on the web site dedicated to the Project and widespread between the stakeholders.

Leader Organisation: Spazio Reale Formazione

Language: Italian, English

Period: June – July 2022


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