The project includes:
Five days training course for the staff to share their own methods of inclusive theatre and activate a common method to use during the project.
Drawing European guidelines which contain the methodology to use so as to start these inclusive theatre courses based on physical comedy and visual theatre in Italy, Turkey and Spain.
The realization of these inclusive theatre courses teach the methodology of the physical comedy and of the visual theatre, destined to 24 youths with disabilities within the age of 11 and 15 in Italy; 10 youths from 12 to 24 in Turkey and 16 youths between 11 and 18 in Spain.
The creation of the theatrical company ACT-ABLE, made up of actors/mentors and the youths that have participated in the inclusive theatrical pathways held in Italy, as an example and inspiration for the birth of other mixed theatrical companies at a European level.
The realization of the commune conclusive document based on the results obtained during these courses, and which will give life to “ACT-ABLE method: good methodological ways of inclusive theatre”.
Through these activities the project intends: to improve the learning capacity of young people to help the scholastic institution with a new and inclusive offer with an exchange of good ways between mentors and European organizations that use these inclusive theatrical methods; form professionals and awareness the stakeholders and the local communities through these artistically inclusive events.
Learning Teaching Training Activities